

the painter himself swelled!


  • 11/2/2024: Adso join a new social media! (bluesky)

  • 4/12/2024: adso's web part 2 was created!

  • 5/12/2024: update a comic button!

  • 15/01/2024: Adso's daily life comic was created!

  • 14/01/2024: This website was created!

my other links!

thanks for watching!enjoy it~

who is me?

I am Adsovetzky/ Adso16 years old, they/them

my past?

I was born on October 26 in Vietnam. I had a rather difficult childhood but I overcame it.
Before creating this website, I was a comic artist and an animator (sometimes).

My preference?

artz, chat, chilling when look everyone chat! and i love yuri story (why not <3)

why am i here?

I want people to know me more, I'm just a beginner artist XD

thanks for watching!enjoy it...again~

Like I said, I used to be a short story artist! and now I'm still the same XD
and now I draw stories based on my characters (with suggestions from the community!)

Note, my characters are all over 18 years old, but there won't be any inappropriate scenes, NO SFW OR NSFW... so feel free!

the Adso's daily life!

just click on the pic ^w^!